Building Codes
Kentucky Formal Interpretations
Formal interpretations are intended to provide technical support and clarification of code text for code officials, design professionals and members of the construction industry. The time necessary for developing a formal interpretation can be lengthy. Therefore, formal interpretations are not issued as a resolution to specific code issues or conflicts that are time sensitive.
Formal interpretations issued by the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, Division of Building Codes Enforcement represent the official position for the Commonwealth and are the official interpretation statewide for all projects subject to the Kentucky Building Code or Kentucky Residential Code.
To request a formal interpretation, a written request shall be submitted to the Division of Building Codes Enforcement. Requests shall be written so that they can be answered either "yes" or "no" and shall contain the following:
- Company name or jurisdiction
- Author's signature
- Mailing address
- Telephone number
- Specific code in question (i.e., building code, residential code, etc.)
- Code publication year
- Applicable code section
- Your question in "yes" or "no" format [questions addressing separate topics shall be submitted individually].
A request for interpretation shall not be processed if it involves:
- Determination of compliance of a specific product, design or installation.
- Determination of compliance of an equivalency of protection.
- A specific construction project.
- Judgment based upon knowledge not readily available in the written request or which can only be acquired as a result of an on-site inspection.
- Code text that clearly addresses the requested information.
View the completed formal interpretations in the Quick Links section of this Web page.